Subj : /BBBS To : Dave Vandermeer From : ALLFIX/2+ 2:221/1 Date : Fri Oct 12 2007 12:28 am Rampton Birds Box, Lake Yl”, Finland: Area: /pub/dos/prog/misc ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: BMAIL12S.ZIP - 262,854 bytes Desc: blueMail 1.2 source - a multi-format offline mail reader for Unix, DOS, Win32, and other systems. It supports the Blue Wave, QWK, QWKE, SOUP, OMEN and Hippo packet formats, the Hudson and BBBS Message Bases, Unix mail, Eudora and is designed to be a 262,854 bytes in 1 file(s) Area: /pub/incoming/unsorted ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: EDG_LOGF.ZIP - 3,810 bytes Desc: ***----------------------------**** --- Nice logout script for bbbs --- --- Edgesoft'97 productions ------- --- Nice ansi-layout and sources -- --- included. Compiled for BBBS --- --- 3.33 How. Finnish and English - --- documents included ! ---------- ***----------------------------**** --- -- -FIXED VERSION (1.01)- -- -- File: SECURE.ZIP - 3,098 bytes Desc: JAMA soft presents ------------------ Highly secured login v0.1 ------------------------- This file is for sysops who have something private sites/files/what ever in his bbbs how 3.33. If you are an english read the source. If you are an finnish then read file! ---------------------------- (c) Jarkko Mattila / JAMA soft 1997 6,908 bytes in 2 file(s) Area: /pub/new/1/bbbsutil ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: BBBSL_SH.ZIP - 12,943 bytes Desc: Shell scripts currently being used at 1:120/546 to run BBBS v4 under Linux File: MRTGBBBS.ZIP - 4,019 bytes Desc: v1.1 beta Perl script for reading the mrtg info from the BBBS standard port. See README for more info. File: WC4BBBS.ZIP - 89,016 bytes Desc: Utility programs and instructions for converting a Filebase from a WildCat! v4.x BBS (plus Allfix) under DOS to BBBS format under Linux, including filedirg.nnn global areas file and descript.ion files in each files area. PD/freeware. BJr 105,978 bytes in 3 file(s) telnet:// telnet:// File requests by email to 'FREQ' as email subject, 'FREQ:' in the message body. ___ ALLFIX/2 v6.00 build 18+ --- * Origin: * Rampton Birds' Box * telnet:// * (2:221/1) .