Subj : Re: Testing Talisman To : Mickey From : Jay Harris Date : Sat Aug 31 2024 04:12 am On 30 Aug 2024, Mickey said the following... Mi> @TZUTC: -0500 Mi> @CHRS: CP437 2 Mi> @MSGID: 1:229/308 66D1DC7E Mi> @TID: Postie 0.16 Mi> @PATH: 229/308 307 426 Mi> Testing outgoing messages on Fidonet. Mi> We may have self-destructed here. Mi> Mi> Thanks for responding Mi> Mi> Mi> ..... Mi> Mick Manning Mi> SysOP- Central Ontario Remote Talisman Mi> Mi> Mi> Mi> --- Talisman v0.54-dev (Windows/x64) Mi> * Origin: Central Ontario Remote Talisman BBS (1:229/308) Got you here. Jay .... Can I offer you a glass of our finest hotdog water? --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2024/05/29 (Linux/64) * Origin: Northern Realms (1:229/664) .