Subj : New files on Roon's BBS To : All From : NEF Date : Fri Jul 05 2024 01:40 pm Echo Files received for distribution: =============================================================================== 2795945 Area: FSX_IMGE Origin: 21:4/106 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report) MININFO.ZIP 21774 Area: MIN_INFO Origin: 618:618/1 Micronet Information Network infopack for 5 July 2024 (day 187). All the info you need to join Micronet, an active and friendly BBS mail network founded 1 Sept 2000 and still going strong! MICRONET.Z87 8348 Area: MIN_LIST Origin: 618:618/1 Micronet Information Network nodelist for 5 July 2024 (day 187). MINDIFF.Z87 592 Area: min_diff Origin: 618:618/1 Micronet Information Network nodediff for 5 July 2024 (day 187). MINBINKD.Z87 1810 Area: min_binkd Origin: 618:100/2 Micronet Information Network BinkD nodelist for 5 July 2024 (day 187). TWITLIST.ZIP 9277 Area: MIN_MISC Origin: 618:500/1 Weekly BBS Twitlist @ 1:229/426 HROUTE.INC 22246 Area: RBB/NETFILES Origin: 2:221/360 Host route file for HPT, day 187 AP240705.ZIP 2795945 Area: NASA Origin: 1:153/757 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report) WEEDNET.Z87 2270 Area: WEEDNET-NODELIST Origin: 420:2/1 WeedNet nodelist for day 187/2024 =============================================================================== >>> Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY <<< est. 18th November 1995 - reborn 2021 -==[[ strictly for fun and educational purposes! ]]==- -==[ TELNET ]==- .:: Host :: ::. .:: Port :: 1212 ::. -==[ DIALUP ]==- .:: +36 1 4454412 ::. .:: or via ::. -==[ FTNs ]==- .:: AmigaNet :: 39:173/52 ::. .:: AgoraNet :: 46:20/112 ::. .:: FidoNet :: 2:371/52 ::. .:: fsxNet :: 21:4/148 ::. .:: HobbyNet :: 954:895/4 ::. .:: MetroNet :: 25:25/27 ::. .:: Micronet :: 618:520/10 ::. .:: SFNet :: 42:61/0 ::. .:: tqwNet :: 1337:1/112 ::. .:: WeedNET :: 420:2/3 ::. .:: DOVE-NET :: ::. -==[ SYSINFO ]==- .:: Pentium 166 MMX @ 188 Mhz 64 MB RAM ::. .:: IBM OS/2 Warp Server 4.52 CP2 - SMP ::. .:: Xenia Mailer/2 || Maximus/2 || Squish/2 ::. .:: Pure, original, 90s retro setup! ::. =============================================================================== --- NEF/pk OS/2 2.45b2 * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52) .