Subj : Unable to send To : Robert Wolfe From : mark lewis Date : Sat May 26 2018 10:05 am On 2018 May 26 07:54:58, you wrote to me: ml>> on our OS/2 installation(s) we have run 2gbfix which intercepts the ml>> av free space call and forces it to 2Gig IF the free space call ml>> returns m 2Gig... we need this for quite a few old DOS programs... it ml>> didn't hel allfix but we found another way to deal with that... RW> Yeah, I found that running 2gbfix kills the VX00.SYS driver that comes RW> in SIO2K as well as SIO 1.60d on my virtualized ArcaOS system. that's strange... i've not seen that on eCS or Warp but i have seen binkd and allfix tie each other up... that was with the EMX flavor of binkd, IIRC... i switched to another native compiled flavor of binkd and don't have those problems any more... the problem was exhibited as a freeze in both programs... if i exited one, the other one resumed processing... RW> Hence, the reason I run the OS/2 native version of FrontDoor and it RW> works just fine. every once in a while, i'll fire up the native FD/2 and let it run for a while... it still loads my DOS RA in similar fashion as the DOS FD does but the script flow is a little different... but i'm not one to do things the normal way anyway... eg: i process dobbs.bat and dobbs.cmd as a data file ;) ----->8 snip 8<----- :bbscaller set dd= JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec set dy=%_dow %_day %@substr[%dd%,%@eval[%_month * 3],3] %_year set speed=%@word[1,%@line[dobbs%task%.cmd,0]] set port=%@word[2,%@line[dobbs%task%.cmd,0]] set t2event=%@word[3,%@line[dobbs%task%.cmd,0]] set event=-T%t2event% set ecc=%@word[5,%@line[dobbs%task%.cmd,0]] set baud=%speed%%ecc% set CIDinfo=%@word[6,%@line[dobbs%task%.cmd,0]] if exist dobbs%task%.cmd copy dobbs%task%.cmd dobbs%task%. if exist dobbs%task%.cmd del dobbs%task%.cmd cls echo. echo Caller online : %_DATE% %_TIME% echo Connect Settings : COM%port% CONNECT %speed%%ecc% echo Time to EVENT : %t2event% minutes echo CID Information : %CIDinfo% echo. echo. >> %ra%\ra%node%.log echo ---------- %dy, %@UPPER[%@FILENAME[%0]] >> %ra%\ra%node%.log echo `>` %_TIME% Caller online : >> %ra%\ra%node%.log echo `>` %_TIME% Connect Settings : COM%port% CONNECT %speed%%ecc% >> %ra%\ra%node%.log echo `>` %_TIME% Time to EVENT : %t2event% minutes >> %ra%\ra%node%.log echo `>` %_TIME% CID Information : %CIDinfo% >> %ra%\ra%node%.log if %t2event% GT 5 goto callok ----->8 snip 8<----- )\/(ark Always Mount a Scratch Monkey Do you manage your own servers? If you are not running an IDS/IPS yer doin' it wrong... .... We have met the enemy and they is us. --- * Origin: (1:3634/12.73) .