Subj : obamas gun fight To : chris ogniben From : Luc Mccarragher Date : Sun Jan 10 2016 10:18 am Re: obamas gun fight By: chris ogniben to All on Sat Jan 09 2016 19:26:15 CO> hello, i am new here. i read this is the debate like message board on CO> fidonet. i just wanted to raise a debate which is president obama's fight CO> on guns. i like more information to what other people think of his current CO> fight to regulate gun control and how it is affecting our way of life. i CO> will keep this post short, and raise it up if anyone responds to this CO> message. whoever responds thank you. i be happy to continue talking or CO> debating this topic. bye now. Welcome chris ogniben , Enjoy Fidonet and his users .... The only match for Chuck Norris is Chuck Norris, and Chuck Norris still wins. --- SBBSecho 2.32-Win32 * Origin: SpaceSST BBS (1:249/206) .