Subj : Democracy Explained to Kids To : BOB KLAHN From : Lee Lofaso Date : Fri Oct 04 2013 06:02 pm Hello Bob, LL>> it. Not only that, but unlike many black men, Strom LL>> Thurmond was not a deadbeat dad. So don't you go around BK>Thurmond was the worst sort of deadbeat dad, one who would not BK>only not even admit he had a daughter, but one who saw to it his BK>daughter was classified in a group that was considered inferior BK>and discriminated against under the law. Please, Bob. You've got your racists are mixed up. There was Strom Thurmond. And then there was Jesse Helms. And of course, the ever so loveable George C. Wallace. But none of those people were really racists. Not hardcore racists, anyway. Not like Lester Maddox. Lester was a racist's racist and really knew how to go on a rant - "That's part of American greatness, is discrimination. Yes, sir. Inequality, I think, breeds freedom and gives a man opportunity." - Lester Maddox, racist extraordinaire BK>So many white men are deadbeat dads. It's part of a society that BK>is breaking down, pushing the middle class into the poor and BK>turning the US into a third world country. Here is what Strom Thurmond had to say about that - "The white people of the South are the greatest minority in this nation. They deserve consideration and understanding instead of the persecution of twisted propaganda." - Strom Thurmond LL>> telling anybody that Strom LL>> Thurmond was a racist who did not care about black folks. LL>> He loved them. He loved them very much ... BK>No, he did not. "She walks well, she looks good. Let's see how she kisses." - Strom Thurmond Obviously, Strom and that 16-year-old black kid loved each other very much. At least for a short period of time. And I am shure he was thrilled to death when he learned he was going to be a daddy. I mean, legal rape does have its benefits ... BM>> When is Jindal on the menu? BK>> He's on the republican's menu. LL>> When we pick up our crawfish, they are brown. We heat up LL>> the water BK>Is that a reference to Jindal? Jindal is a Brown guy who painted himself Red. Remember, Jindal graduated from Brown University. And then he turned Red as a Republican ... --Lee --- MesNews/ * Origin: news:// (2:203/2) .