Subj : Update - TV To : All From : EchoList Robot Date : Wed Jan 18 2017 07:44 pm Echolist Announcement ... TV What's on the Television? Discussion of what is on the television, could be any show as long as it's currently airing or in re-runs. Status: Active Origin: fidonet Group: FIDO Distribution: DIRECT PICKUP Gateways: Language: # Nodes: N/A Volume: 10/mo Rules: Flags: Notes: /REAL Moderators: Allen Prunty, 1:2320/100@fidonet, Last changed: 18-Jan-2017 by Allen Prunty, 1:2320/100 --- Echobase 3.48 * Origin: * Origin: FIDONet Backbone - EchoList HQ (1:1/21.0) .