Subj : Automated Posting To : All From : MsgPost Date : Thu Aug 31 2017 01:00 am The FIdonet COMM Echo Rules and Guidelines Modified September 15, 2014 This conference is moderated by Dallas Hinton of Fidonet 1:153/715. Posting rules and guidelines This echomail conference is one of the oldest in Fidonet. It is basically a "catch all" for topics not covered in other echomail conferences. since there are few echoes specifically for discussion of serial communications devices such as modems this is the appropriate place to discuss such topics. WHen an echomail conference is widely available (carried on various backbone systems) please post there for best response. OTherwise, feel free to post here. All posts in this echo must be germane to computer communications techniques. Discussion of hardware and software is permitted, although emphasis is on the hardware. All other topics should be taken elsewhere. When the topic drifts, take it to private mail, or an appropriate conference. Other than that, these are the only actual rules I expect to promulgate for this echomail conference. First and foremost, it is expected that all systems enabling posts in this echomail conference are properly configured to show the true Fidonet address of origination. If not, the moderator will ask that the problem be repaired before allowing posts from your system to the comm echo. Along with this, providing a gateway to/from this echomail conference from Fidonet to other networks is strictly prohibited. IF you wish to provide such a gateway ask permission in the echo. If permission is then granted after a poll of interested users is taken and the results of said poll in favor then the gateway must work in both directions, and the valid address of the gate provider shown. Multiple line signatures are strongly discouraged. Use of real names strongly encouraged. Keep it clean, keep it polite. All communication regarding moderation of this echomail conference will take place via Fidonet netmail. Not internet email, not smoke signals or telepathy. IF you post in this echo, or permit users of your system to do so then it is assumed that you have the capability to read and answer netmail. It is unreasonable to expect moderators to have to hunt down an email address which may not be available, whereas your system's address should be displayed on posts originating from your system. The only moderation issues which will be handled in the open echo are those in which the moderator seeks guidance and input from its users. If you're new to the world of serial communications and the terminology used to discuss it you might wish to avail yourself of the Comm echo primer written by Gord Hannah, the previous moderator. It can be acquired from any Fidonet system carrying the ep-fdn ep-ascii file echo, or from the headquarters of the International Filegate project. TO acquire it point your web browser to Questions, comments and suggestions should be sent by netmail to this address. MODERATOR: Dallas Hinton 1:153/715 --- --- MsgPost v1.00 * Origin: The BandMaster -- Vancouver, Canada (1:153/7715) .