Subj : Re: Bo Holt To : Bo Holt From : Wilfred van Velzen Date : Wed Mar 06 2024 09:25 am Hi Bo, On 2024-03-05 19:49:44, you wrote to me: WV>> Bo is using a (very) old version of Renegade. It's known for not WV>> generatin kludge lines at all. So no MSGID:'s and REPLY:'s, for WV>> instance. WV>> WV>> If he insists on keep using it, he has to accept his messages won't WV>> travel through the net very well, and might be stopped at some hubs... WV>> BH> I'm not the SysOp. I'm on The Alcoholiday BBS at the moment where I do BH> most of my FidoNet posts. Perhaps I should use another BBS for Echomail. The choice is yours of course. But if you want your messages to be seen by everyone, that might help. ;-) Bye, Wilfred. --- FMail-lnx64 * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464) .