Subj : Pacific Commodore Expo NW - June 8-9 To : All From : Date : Wed Jan 23 2019 05:15 pm Too much Commodore and Amiga goodness! With the April 27-28 Commodore Los Angeles Super Show being announced yesterday comes the formal announcement of the June 8-9 Pacific Commodore Expo NW (PaCommEx) at The Living Computers: Museum + Labs 2245 1st Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98134, USA As in the past 2 shows, PaCommEx will have plenty of Commodore and Amiga exhibits, presentations, and perhaps some juicy door prizes! And everything will be at the comfortable and friendly LCM+L. The website is now on-line at and discussion is on the forum at If you want to exhibit and/or present, just contact me! Sincerely, Robert Bernardo organizer - Pacific Commodore Expo NW --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05 * Origin: Agency HUB, Dunedin - New Zealand | Fido<>Usenet Gateway (3:770/3) .