Subj : Verson260A To : Kevin Klement From : Mike Tripp Date : Thu May 12 2005 09:05 am Hello Kevin! 11 May 05 17:45, Kevin Klement wrote to Mike Tripp: >> Your midnight invoke doesn't include any of the schedule >> switches, so only the global stuff before the the first >> SCHED is being used for that run. KK> ^^^^^^ KK> Then it does the second (SCHED) run? I don't use them myself, but the way I interpret the docs says that SCHED never run at all unless explicitly named in a commandline switch. If invoked, then all the "global stuff" before the first SCHED is run followed by whatever is between the specified SCHED tag and the next SCHED statement. I also don't flavor anything "normal" as that is basically "unflavored" and still leaves the result open to any following commands. So I basically do: CHANGE CRASH normal world SEND HOLD SEND CRASH ROUTE CRASH 140/1 The CHANGE is there to catch any BBS-entered netmail or routed netmail from downlinks that already had the crash flag set, and force it to follow my routing logic instead. I deliberately don't reflavor anything that's already HOLD, because I like to use the Bink outbound screen to change a CRASH node over to HOLD manually if they are NO ANSWER, not responding, or rejecting my sessions due to a stray .BSY flag. Once I manually put them on HOLD, I don't want Squish re-CRASHing them again in the next run. So I'm having difficulty imagining the flow of yours: SEND NORMAL ROUTE NORMAL BOB SEND NORMAL world SEND HOLD It would make more sense to me that you single out the HOLD folks first, then NORMAL the known folks you want to deliver to, then ROUTE the leftovers. Also curious as to if/when you actually call which of the schedule events. ..\\ike --- GoldED 2.50+ * Origin: -=( The TechnoDrome )=- Austin,TX 512-327-8598 33.6k (1:382/61) .