Subj : binkley xe To : Archie Swan From : Neil Walker Date : Tue Jan 07 2003 11:50 am Hello Archie! Tuesday January 07 2003 11:12, you wrote to me: RT>>> Whoops! Wrong session... Guess _two_ of you guys freq'd that RT>>> file today... NW>> Yep, I noticed. ;-) AS> Now - just who would that be ? ;) Dunno - just one of those oddball points I got saddled with............ohhhh...errrr.....Hello Archie... ;-) Be lucky, Neil This OS/2 system uptime is 111 days 11:51 hours and 51 seconds .... You have the capacity to learn from mistakes. You'll learn a lot today. --- GoldED+/EMX 1.1.5-21110 * Origin: The Electric Pigeon, Telford, UK (2:250/501) .