Subj : Hot port To : Mvan Le From : Bob Jones Date : Thu Sep 21 2006 10:01 am BJ> In batch files, under the WIN32 version of DOS BJ>, the problem with using batch files to BJ> start a second program (such as Binkley to a BBS) is BJ> that drops DTR, which for most setups will BJ> hang up on the caller. So, it depends on methods used. ML> So you're basically saying that the DOS version of ML> BinkleyTerm can't run spawnbbs.bat under Windows 2000 ? I believe any program using DTR to control the modem can't use the batch method under a Win32 system (such as windows 2000). Doesn't matter if it is a Win32 program or a DOS based program. If the program starts to run a batch file to start the next program, I believe it will drop DTR. ML> I'd have to use thw Win32 BinkleyTerm or WinFOSSIL to get it to work ? I believe Win32 version of binkley using a batch file would also fail. Using the Win32 version of binkley with the internal spawning method should work. I would expect the winfossil option to also fail. BJ> As to Binkley, I believe it was designed to call the BJ> fax software and not have the fax software call it. At BJ> a minimum you will need to tweak the init strings in BJ> binkley. And you would need to find a setup that lets BJ> you properly terminate binkley after each call.... BJ> Probably doable, but the reverse logic that I've seen BJ> most systems running Binkley use..... ML> Somewhere in Bt-ref.txt mentions leaving DTR high, but ML> that might have been related to terminal mode. Most BBS software uses DTR for controlling the modem to hang up. If DTR is dropped (to low), the call is hung up on. This requires the modem to be configured to use DTR.... ML> Even if I left DTR high when calling "bt unattended", ML> BinkleyTerm would need to know that a connection had ML> been made ie. "CONNECT" needs to be sent. Otherwise I ML> doin't see BinkleyTerm doing anything with the live ML> line after it enters unattended mode ... it would just ML> sit there until the remote end hangs up. Ah, yes. Bink does look for the connect string to start things, at least the normal way it is run. Well, you have source code available to you if you want to change something.... Just make sure the modified version is properly renamed / documented per what the licensing documentation calls for. BJ> I think there is a way to have binkley call BGFax for BJ> fax handling. There is definately a way to have BJ> Binkley handle the fax calls along with the data BJ> calls..... Why reverse the process? ML> I want to see if I can pass telnet callers to ML> BinkleyTerm without using virtual modem or virtual com port methods. Ah.... I don't know of folks using binkley without such. But I'm also not using the versions after 2.60 of Binkley. You may need to look at the later development to see if there are options to do what you want. I don't think most BBS software has been converted to properly use TCP/IP signals for session hang up versus simulated modem controls. ML> FrontDoor can do it, so I want to see if BinkleyTerm could. Ok..... Then look for BinkleyTerm after 2.60, which is strictly third part development. Remember Binkley was developed for modem controlled communications, not IP based communications..... Take care..... Bob Jones, 1:343/41 --- Maximus/2 3.01 * Origin: Top Hat 2 BBS (1:343/41) .