Subj : mail not tossing To : Tommi Koivula From : Rick Smith Date : Fri Jan 06 2023 07:57 am Greetings Tommi! Friday January 06 2023 16:09, you wrote to me about an urgent matter!: TK> * Forwarded from area 'BINKD' TK> Hello, Rick Smith. TK> On 06/01/2023 15.34 you wrote: RS>> Greetings Oli! RS>> Thursday January 05 2023 17:49, you wrote to me about an urgent RS>> matter!: Ol>>> * Forwarded from area 'BINKD' Ol>>> Rick wrote (2023-01-05): RS>>>> Greetings All! RS>> run and it wont fire, but if I run it from any prompt it works as RS>> expected. Everything binkd or husky uses is in /fido/etc which RS>> my user owns and the bbs is in /mystic also which my user owns... RS>> ? TK> I would remove that 'nice' first. Do you really need it? I did, no not needed as it turns out. Still wouldnt work however. So I made just a mail script and tried to have bink call that, still not working 06 Jan 14:30:01 [59431] executing `/usr/local/bin/mail-toss' - 06 Jan 14:30:01 [59431] rc=17664 However I can run mail-toss from anywhere and it works... bizarre. ---- Regards, Rick Smith (Nitro) .... It was good BBSing with you Tommi! --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20220504 * Origin: ----> Abacus BBS! --->>>> (1:105/10) .