Subj : incoming calls To : Wilfred van Velzen From : mark lewis Date : Thu Jan 06 2022 07:22 pm On 2022 Jan 06 18:47:46, you wrote to Gerrit Kuehn: GK>> - 06 Jan 15:43:03 [1101] incoming from (41108) GK>> + 06 Jan 15:43:04 [10956] incoming session with (41108) GK>> - 06 Jan 15:43:04 [10956] VER Call_Robot/0.1/Linux binkp/1.0 GK>> ? 06 Jan 15:43:04 [10956] Cannot find domain for zone 9, assuming GK>> 'fidonet' + 06 Jan 15:43:04 [10956] addr: 9:9999/9999.9999@fidonet ? GK>> 06 Jan 15:43:04 [10956] recv: connection closed by foreign host WV> Same here: and here, too :) WV> The IP points to Crimea, so it wasn't hard to find out this is by Stas: WV> # host WV> has address WV> has address WV> has IPv6 address 2001:470:dcd0:0:f1d0:2:460:58 you followed the same trail i did :lol: )\/(ark "The soul of a small kitten in the body of a mighty dragon. Look on my majesty, ye mighty, and despair! Or bring me catnip. Your choice. Oooh, a shiny thing!" .... Water, water, everywhere...police mopping up scene of the crime ;*) --- * Origin: (1:3634/12.73) .