Subj : Binkd and TLS To : Rob Swindell From : Richard Menedetter Date : Wed Dec 18 2019 09:53 am Hi Rob! 17 Dec 2019 15:11, from Rob Swindell -> Michiel van der Vlist: >> The Synchronet fans do not seem to like starttls, they want a >> diffrent port. RS> The people-in-the-know don't like starttls: RS> RS> s-ssl There was a discussion recently here, where it was stated that those discussions are focused around mail. So is your link. Alexey posted a link about this (including a link ... sadly I am too busy currently to deep dive on this). And generally talking about "the people in the know" is a bit very generalized ;) Some people knowledgable do not like it. CU, Ricsi .... Eating words has never given me indigestion. -Winston Churchill --- GoldED+/LNX * Origin: Actions are usually right, but the reasons are not. (2:310/31) .