Subj : The Alumni of Medieval European Universities To : All From : Wibs Date : Thu Sep 06 2018 09:16 pm From: Wibs In England we are very fortunate to have the 3 volumes of 'A Biographical R= egister of the University of Oxford to 1500', and the single volume ' A Bio= graphical Register of the University of Cambridge to 1500', both by A. B. E= mden, which lists the students who studied at either university before 1500= (whether they matriculated or not) and provides details of their subsequen= t career. Do any of the European universities have lists of medieval graduates (publi= shed or online), or better still, works comparable to Emden? Wibs --- NewsGate v1.0 gamma 2 * Origin: News Gate @ Net396 -Huntsville, AL - USA (1:396/4) .