Subj : Re: BinkD traffic To : Nick Andre From : Wilfred van Velzen Date : Tue Apr 03 2018 04:42 pm Hi Nick, On 2018-04-03 10:21:10, you wrote to me: WV>> NA> Is it possible to throttle the transfer-rate of BinkD sessions? WV>> WV>> You mean this option? WV>> WV>> # Limit bandwidth (rate): NA> Perfect! And there is also: # Define a link: # node [[z:]n/]n[.p][@domain] [-nr|-nd] [-md] [-hc|-nohc] [-ip|-sip] [-bw [/]] [-4|-6] [{hosts|-} [{[ ,[][,]]|-} [flavour [{obox|-} [{ibox|-}]]]]] .... # * `-bw' specifies bandwidth (rate) limit for this node # if one value is specified, it's used as both send and recv limit # if two values are specified, first is for send and second - for recv # rate values are expected to be in format `[kM%]|-' # (see limit-rate keyword for detailed description) Bye, Wilfred. --- FMail-lnx64 * Origin: FMail development HQ (2:280/464) .