Subj : New binkd setup Linux-Kubuntu 14.04 64b To : rick christian From : mark lewis Date : Tue Sep 13 2016 06:18 pm 12 Sep 16 22:23, you wrote to All: rc> What I am not sure about is the finer points of its config rc> Namely: rc> 1) Setting up routing binkd is a mailer only... in a BSO (Binkleyterm Style Outbound) configuration, your tosser will handle the routing of netmails and it will pack them into the proper PKTs for the next hop system... rc> 2) Auto operation for outbound, correct? rc> call-delay 60 rc> rescan-delay 60 rc> Will cause binkd to look in the outbound dir for stuff to send every 60 rc> seconds, correct? the rescan-delay, yes... rc> 3) Is ARC compression still needed???? unar or FreeArc? no, not really... mostly is zip but these days not even that is needed... all my systems send raw PKTs and no bundles (mo1, we2, etc)... bundles are just not necessary like they were in the dialup days... rc> 4) Nodelist processors for the nodediff? binkd uses its own nodelist format... it is distributed in the I-BINKD file distribution area... plus these days, many are not even worrying about diffs at all because the nodelist is so small... in fact, you can subscribe to the DAILYLIST FDN (file distribution network) and get a bright shiney complete nodelist every day and be up to date within ~24 hours of systems being added or removed... rc> Is there a crashmail echo anymore??? Since I have been graciously rc> allowed to use a JamNNTPD server to get to echos right now, I am not rc> seeing it listed.. not that i know of... the talk may be welcome in the JAMNNTPD echo since both are written by the same author even though he is no longer in fidonet... )\/(ark Always Mount a Scratch Monkey .... A secret agent! On *WHOSE* side?!?!?!? --- * Origin: (1:3634/12.73) .