Subj : Too Many Servers To : Wilfred van Velzen From : Jeff Smith Date : Sat May 14 2016 04:40 pm Hello Wilfred. 14 May 16 18:07, you wrote to me: WV> Hi, WV> On 2016-05-11 16:06:08, Jeff Smith wrote to Paul Hayton: WV> about: "Too Many Servers": JS>> In your BinkD config file what do you have for you "maxservers" JS>> and "maxclients".I think the default is 2 but I usually need to JS>> raise that up if I am hubbing mail or files or the like. WV> The default is 100 for both if they are not specified! In the example WV> config it shows 2 though, which I think is unnecessarily low... Odd, in all of the default BinkD config files that I have seen. Most were were already set with each set to 2 while some others had the those settings commented out. I ran into the the max server issue early on and raised that number up first thing. WV> Bye, Wilfred. WV> --- FMail-W32 WV> * Origin: Native IPv6 connectable node (2:280/464) Jeff --- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20070503 * Origin: Region 14 IP Server - (1:14/5) .