Subj : Ideas To : Matt Bedynek From : Sean Dennis Date : Tue Jul 05 2016 08:11 am Hello Matt, 27 Jun 16 01:00 at you wrote to me: MB> protecting data integrity. Just remember it is not a backup. The Never said it was a backup. All I'm using it for is to serve my external drives that hold music and various files to my home LAN, that's all. I know plenty about RAID, et cetera. If I was going to deal with RAID, I'd set up a SAN, not a NAS device. :) The only thing that is backed up is my BBS machine and it uses rdiff-backup to a local external USB device and backed up to an offsite storage area via FTP. I have hot, warm, and cold backups for the BBS. The rest I'm not worried about. I was just finding an excuse to use the RPi B. Now that Slackware/ARM 14.2 has been released, I'll get me a RPi 3 and set it up for use in my ham radio shack. Why? Just because I can. :) Later, Sean --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20160322 * Origin: Outpost BBS * Limestone, TN, USA (1:18/200) .