Subj : Carrying Echo Again To : Steve Quarrella From : Tom Laermans Date : Sun Mar 18 2001 05:18 pm Hi Steve ... At 15-Mar-01 03:10:17, Steve Quarrella wrote to Tom Laermans about Carrying Echo Again... TL>> I love inside stories... keep it up :-) SQ> I wish I had more. Regrettably, some of them border on the range SQ> of "inside joke." the hell do we explain "The Flush?" Uh oh... I sense another one coming :-))) -=[]-[]-[0497/85.30.44]-[ICQ 12120754]=- .... Aibohphobia : (n.) The fear of palindromes +++ Linux Uptime: 3h38m, 3 users, load average: 1.08, 1.03, 1.07 --- Terminate 5.00/Pro * Origin: (2:292/641) .