Subj : Re: Thank You! To : Ed Vance From : Holger Granholm Date : Tue Nov 20 2018 11:50 am In a message on 11-19-18 Ed Vance said to Holger Granholm: GE Ed, HG> Oh no, just like you was leaving Fidonet. EV> NOT EVER!!!!!!!! EV> This BBS has FidoNet Echoes and also has Echoes from Mystic, Dove, EV> GT Power and the iLink Networks. OK so you are well setup then and don't miss ham radio too much, hi. EV> Before 1984, I logged on a couple of 2 Meter Amateur Radio RTTY EV> BBS's. I haver never been hooked to RTTY even though I ran RTTY on a DXpedition to Market Reef (OJ0) but it was with borrowed gear. HG> I didn't suggest 'on the lap' but at the height of your lap. EV> O.K. Duh. Memory - My PC has it, I don't. .... .. EV> This XP box is 15" tall but is on a stand with wheels which makes it EV> 18" abt 45 cm above the floor. My previus BBS machine ran on the operating desk with the screen/keybd on the bookshelf beside and the mouse mat on an old IBM machine adjacent The new machine is a tower that is lower than the IBM on edge but below it are a couple of metal boxes and on top a CD/DVD cabinet that raises the height to 21.5" for the mouse mat. EV> Both of those PC's are in a corner of the room, ...... I want to get at the UBS connectors on the machine without having to creep on the floor or behind the machine. EV> I take the book off of my lap and put the Keyboard on my lap when I EV> type. EV> I guess that's the only exercise I get in this room - swapping the EV> Book I use the Mouse on, and getting the Keyboard when I want to I get my exercise by going outdoors a couple of hours biking, skiing or a scandinavian pole walk. EV> THANK YOU!, doing that method has made life easier for Me now. Glad you are happy with your solution. GN es CU AGN, Sam, OH0NC aka Holger ... Sign on restaurant window: Great food (50,000 flies can't be wrong). -- MR/2 2.30 --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2 * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228) .