Subj : Did we loose the feed on To : Mike Powell From : Al Kaiser Date : Tue Feb 06 2018 09:32 am Mike Powell wrote to AL KAISER Subject: Did we loose the feed on MP> I know where Bouvet is... what is the Bouvet team? Well is WAS a group of Amateurs who were going to activte the island for about two weeks or until the 28th of February. By now everyone should know that they were not able to land on the island because of rough seas and bad WX so the helicopter could not take off. The the ship had engine trouble so the Captain canceled the operation and they are heading to Capetown, Africa for repairs. There is talk of rescheduling the operation but no dates have been announced. -=> Al Kaiser <=- 'Til we write again... Al Kaiser - Meriden, CT, 06-Feb-2018 at 9:32. Fido : 1:142/926 - Internet : ..!. Any way it goes, bad for Zathras. --- Terminate 5.00/Pro * Origin: I'll POINT at you with TERMINATE. (1:142/926) .