Subj : Re: Ham Radio Digital Mod To : Ed Vance From : Holger Granholm Date : Fri Dec 22 2017 09:39 am In a message on 12-20-17 Ed Vance said to Holger Granholm: GE Ed, EV> What Tube(s) were You going to have in the Final RF Amplifer to EV> Modulate them with the Push Pull 807 Modulator when the project was EV> finished? 6146('s), 813('s)? I'm not that crazy to AM-modulate tubes that have the same output as the 807's. OK the 813 is fatter but that's a tube I've never had. EV> I think I chatted with You about the 4-65 tubes I seen in a UHF rig EV> They were used in the Modulator section (I think it was a As RF amplifier the 4-65 wasn't going to UHF but as modulator OK. HG> I just twisted a couple of wing nuts to fasten the TCVR into the car. EV> I'm not sure but I'd think that here in the U.S. a couple of wing EV> nuts would make it a easy job for a thief to steal that TR-3. I'm not living in that kind of a society. If a somebody forgot his bag or suitcase at a bus stop platform, it's still there when he/she comes there a week later. EV> Is thievery a problem where You live like it is in the U.S.? See above. EV> Even though I haven't keyed a rig for years, I love 20M CW too. HG> .. If Jesus was Jewish, why does he have a Mexican name? EV> Was Mexico a Country when Jesus walked our Earth? Well, at least the soil was there. Merry Christmas, Holger ... COFFEE.EXE Missing - Insert Cup, & Press A Key To Resume. -- MR/2 2.30 --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2 * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228) .