Subj : Re: Ham Radio Digital Mod To : Holger Granholm From : Ed Vance Date : Mon Dec 18 2017 10:36 pm 12-17-17 09:42 Holger Granholm wrote to Ed Vance about Re: Ham Radio Digital od HG> @MSGID: <> HG> In a message on 12-16-17 Ed Vance said to Holger Granholm: HG> Hi Ed, Howdy! Holger, HG> It seems to me that you don't download QWK packets very often. HG> There's a huge difference between 11-23-17 and 12-08-17! HG> That's more than three weeks!!! EV> I got Your message in a 12-11-17 packet but hadn't Replied until EV> 12-16-17. HG> Yes, that's OK. Only five days. This Morning I got Your 12-17-17 message and started writing my Reply to it at around 11:40 A.M. . Saturday Night was the last time I had the computer turned On. Boy! those ROUNDTUITS are troublesome, I ain't wired for STEREO and can only do one thing at a time. .... .. -Later- After getting some chores done, I'm back at the keyboard finishing this post. EV> I download packets most days once or twice but don't have time to EV> read everything in them, so I mostly Lurk around a few echos as I EV> have time. HG> Appparently you download too many echoes. AMEN! to that. I like reading verious Echo Topics to learn what others know. When Mike Powell's BBS only subscribed to the GT Power and FIDO Networks I could read all that was in the .QWK packets I received. His BBS has messages from other Networks now, and since I am still trying to become a "mister know it all", I Joined many of the Echoes in those Networks. I've gotten irregular with Posting in the Echoes that I frequently wrote messages in and became a Echo Lurker. I know that You're thinking "Dumb LID" right now. .... .. You're Correct! HG> I don't think you'll ever build that RF-Amp. EV> Probably not, all I got so far is a Transformer and Filter Choke for EV> the Power Supply and two Tube Sockets. HG> I do also have modulation and driver transformers for a 2x807 modulator HG> that I intended to build in 1954-1955, but they became useless when SSB HG> proved to be so effective that no AM was needed. What Tube(s) were You going to have in the Final RF Amplifer to Modulate them with the Push Pull 807 Modulator when the project was finished? 6146('s), 813('s)? HG> I was however named Donald Duck by hams that couldn't read SSB, hi. I remember, in 1958 when I got my Hallicrafters S-38E RX, hearing the Quack Quack until I moved the Slide-Switch from AM to CW and VERY CAREFULLY turned the knob until the signal became intelligent. It IS very hard even if I know how another Hams voice sounds to tune a SSB signal to actually sound like the person, for Me at least it is. Before Transceivers had a RIT Control (Receiver Incremental Tuning) I listened to Ham SSB QSO's sliding up and down the Band. (I know You Know what RIT is, but I explained it in case someone didn't). A RIT Knob was one thing I looked for when I was looking to buy a SSB XCVR in the mid-1970's. I didn't want a Yeasu rig because people were buying them to use on 27 Mc/s AM. A couple of times I talked with men who bragged about using their Yeasu XCVR to talk on the Citizen Band and Beyond.... That was what made my mind up not to ever buy anything Yeasu built. The Kenwood TS-520S had RIT and didn't have a AM Mode selection, and also bacause another Ham Bruce WA4DYL used a TS-520 at His QTH and in His Car. Bruce showed me how He mounted a metal plate on the bottom of His TS-520. He had removed the Pin from a large Hinge and bolted one half of the Hinge to the plate. The other part of the Hinge was fastened on the Floor of His Car, it was threaded so He could fasten the Hinge parts together by screwing Bolts in, one for each side of the Hinge (in the place of the Hinge Pin He removed). He used a Socket Wrench to install His TS-520 when He wanted to go Mobile with it. He put a Towel over the Rig when He was away from the car. I liked Bruce's idea so when I got a TS-520S and a DS-1A DC-DC Adapter I used His idea. The Kenwood rig replaced a Heathkit TX-1 Apache TX and Drake 2-B RX & 2-BQ. I bought that TX and RX USED from Henry Radio. [Still talking about operating SSB without RIT and knowing the Ham's voice] I used to Sign In to the Kentucky CW Traffic Net, long ago........, with a Heathkit DX-40 TX, Knightkit VFO and Hallicrafters SX-42 RX, and had No Problem with knowing who was sending CW when I logged in to the Net, because when I have remembered a persons FIST I could reconize them even before hearing them send their Call Sign. 73 es Merry CHRISTmas de Ed W9ODR K .... In the dark, all cats are black... --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49 * Origin: CCO BBS - - 1-502-875-8938 (1:2320/105) .