Subj : VoIP Modes 1/2 To : Daryl Stout From : Richard Menedetter Date : Tue Feb 16 2016 09:06 am Hi Daryl! 14 Feb 2016 15:39, from Daryl Stout -> Vk3jed: DS> @TID: InterEcho 1.19 6E030205 DS> @MSGID: 1:19/33.0 27d5e4f1 DS> (Continued to next message) DS> --- DS> * OLX 1.53 * When two egotists meet, it's an I for an I. DS> * PDQWK 2.53 #5 DS> SEEN-BY: 240/1120 5832 8001 261/38 280/5003 310/31 313/41 2432/390 DS> @PATH: 19/33 261/38 240/1120 313/41 If you already sent out the second part of your message, then it did not make it here. FYI CU, Ricsi --- GoldED+/LNX * Origin: (2:310/31) .