Subj : Re: New Ham To : Ed Vance From : Holger Granholm Date : Sun Jun 14 2015 09:30 am In a message dated 06-12-15, Ed Vance said to Holger Granholm: Hi Ed, HG> Yeah, those were the times when we still built our own gear HG> instead of as now being appliance operators, hi. EV> I built my DX-40 kit over 50 years ago. EV> I built lots of Heathkit and Knightkit gear and a few things I found EV> in Amateur Radio magazine articles also. I have built a lot of Heathkit gear for both my ham shack as well as for my radio/TV service shop. Some of the ham gear are still in use, others are shelved for possible later use. My first build however was a 6F6+807 xtal controlled transmitter built on a discarded BC-radio chassis. The next one was a fourteen tube double conversion ham-band receiver. CU L8ER, Holger ___ * MR/2 2.30 * If it works, don't upgrade! --- PCBoard (R) v15.22 (OS/2) 2 * Origin: Coming to you from the Sunny Aland Islands. (2:20/228) .