Subj : Re: Storage To : Holger Granholm From : Ed Vance Date : Mon Jun 23 2014 09:17 am 06-21-14 10:13 Holger Granholm wrote to Ed Vance about Re: Storage HG> @MSGID: <> HG> In a message dated 06-19-14, Ed Vance said to Holger Granholm: HG> GM Ed, GM Holger ... ._ __ , EV> __. ._. .. _. is easier written and read, hi. EV> I knew that You and some of the others here could decode my Morse EV> msg for the word GRIN without looking at a Chart, and to create a EV> puzzled look on the readers of my msg that feel like CW is a Lost EV> Art. HG> In fact that means nothing to us that never had to read/write HG> morse characters with dots and dashes on a paper. For my (and HG> most others) learning morse by ear was the way we were taught HG> and learned it. Years before my Junior High School friend let me hear WWV on his S-38 RX I got a 2 piece Telegraph Set. It was the 'Premium' I asked for from selling some kind of merchandise from door to door in my neighborhood. Can't remember if what I sold was Flower and Vegetable Seeds, or Cards, or cans of Salve. I tried selling all three of those products from advertisments I saw on the back pages of Comic Books I read as a child. I never was any good at being a Salesman though. I hadn't heard about the 'Di' and 'Dah' sounds then, all I knew about the Code was from the Dot and Dash Chart printed on the top of each of the 'Telegraph Sets'. And after I became interested in becoming a Amateur Radio Operator, it was the Chart and Examples that were Printed on the pages in the various A.R.R.L. Paperback Books that I read to help me learn the Morse Alphabet, Numerals and Punctuation Marks from their pages. I suppose this here LID could had written: Dah-Dah-Dit Di-Dah-Dit Di-Dit Dah-Dit But I didn't think of typing the 'Sounds' when I used the Underscore and Period characters on the keyboard to 'send my GRIN message'. There I go 'Thinking' again. Sorry. Di-Di-Di-Dit Di-Dit There I go trying to have Fun again, Holger. I can't help it, I was born with this plague above my shoulders and I just have to live with it. You just have to tolerate it. I also remember seeing a Morse Code Chart on a page in my older brothers Boy Scout book, and probably if I had joined the Scout's I would had been introduced to hearing the sounds of the Code instead of just seeing it printed on pages in books. The U.S. Army Training Manual called, IIRC "A NMENOMIC Device For Memorizing The Internation Morse Code" that I borrowed from the Public Library helped me a lot. I had trouble with remembering what the characters Q X Y Z sounded like, until I got my Novice License with the Call Sign KN4ZIQ. ZIQ = Zero Intelligence Quotient A week or so ago I remembered seeing the Four N's at the end of messages coming over the Teletype when I was in the Navy, and thought I would start using that to End My Messages in Ham Radio BBS Echos, if I could remember to do it. NNNN .... if u cn rd ths u 2 cn thnk up shrt clvr tglns --- MultiMail/MS-DOS v0.49 --- SBBSecho 2.12-Linux * Origin: telnet & - Dial-Up: 502-875-8938 (1:2320/105.1) .