   DIR A Gopher Hole of Verisimilitudes
   DIR 2017-02-02 The Masturbation Language
  TEXT 2017-05-07 Insidious Optimizations I: Machine Architecture
  TEXT 2017-05-27 Code of Conduct Keeping
  TEXT 2017-06-06 Experimentations with 33554432 and Meta-CHIP-8
   DIR 2017-07-07 The Meta-Machine Code (MMC) Tool
   DIR 2017-12-30 The SHUT-IT-DOWN Common Lisp Library
   DIR 2017-12-31 The CL-ECMA-48 Common Lisp Library
  TEXT 2018-01-01 The Meta-Machine Code Interface Concept
   DIR 2018-02-02 The Meta-Machine Code Targeted at MIPS: The Operating System Infrastructure
   DIR 2018-02-22 Gopher Affiliations
   DIR 2018-04-04 The ACUTE-TERMINAL-CONTROL Common Lisp Library
  TEXT 2018-06-06 Insidious Optimizations II: Machine Text
   DIR 2018-06-22 A Rebuttal of an Article Involving the CL-CHARMS Common Lisp Library
   DIR 2018-08-08 The Meta-Machine Code Targeted at CHIP-8: The Initial Release
   DIR 2018-08-18 A Documenting of the Coin Flipping CHIP-8 Game
   DIR 2018-08-28 A Documenting of the Russian Roulette CHIP-8 Game
   DIR 2018-11-01 A Documenting of my Fizzbuzz CHIP-8 Program
   DIR 2018-12-12 A Documenting of the Breakout CHIP-8 Game
  TEXT 2019-01-15 Recommended Reading: ``The Craft of Text Editing'' by Craig Finseth
   DIR 2019-02-12 Pleasing Patterns
  TEXT 2019-02-15 Recommended Reading: ``Programming from the Ground Up'' by Jonathan Bartlett
  TEXT 2019-02-22 My Jokes and Other Such Things
   DIR 2019-03-03 A Documenting of the Nim CHIP-8 Game
  TEXT 2019-03-15 Recommended Reading: ``IT'S BEHIND YOU: the making of a computer game'' by Bob Pape
   DIR 2019-03-30 A Gopher Hole
  TEXT 2019-04-15 Recommended Reading: ``The Art of UNIX Programming'' and ``The UNIX-HATERS Handbook''
  TEXT 2019-04-30 Thoughts Concerning Numerical Logging Formats
  TEXT 2019-05-05 Thoughts Concerning Forum Software
   DIR 2019-05-15 Recommended Reading: Short Stories by Various
  TEXT 2019-05-25 A Finger Service
   DIR 2019-05-30 A Comment System
  TEXT 2019-06-15 Recommended Reading: ``Starting Forth'' and ``Thinking Forth'' by Leo Brodie
   DIR 2019-06-23 A Documenting of the Submarine CHIP-8 Game
   DIR 2019-06-26 My Comics and Other Such Things
   DIR 2019-06-30 The COMMON-CHARACTER-SETS Common Lisp Library
  TEXT 2019-07-07 A Diatribe Concerning My Experiences with Gopher
   DIR 2019-07-15 Recommended Reading: ``Alan Turing's Electronic Brain'' by Various
   DIR 2019-07-17 Circular Pleasing Patterns
   DIR 2019-07-27 The OpenBSD Ada Library
   DIR 2019-08-08 A Documenting of my APL Programs
  TEXT 2019-08-15 Recommended Reading: Platform Studies Series by Various
   DIR 2019-08-18 A Documenting of my Rule 30 CHIP-8 Program
  TEXT 2019-09-06 Thoughts Concerning Nonograms
   DIR 2019-09-09 An Analysis of my Lemote Yeeloong Hardware
  TEXT 2019-09-15 Recommended Reading: ``Masters of Doom'' by David Kushner
  TEXT 2019-09-17 Thoughts Concerning Recent Events
   DIR 2019-09-19 The EASY-PEASY-TCP Common Lisp Library Experiment
  TEXT 2019-09-29 The Meta-Machine Code Targeted at CHIP-8: The Evolution of the Metadata Format
   DIR 2019-10-05 A Documenting of my Rule 30 Improved CHIP-8 Program
   DIR 2019-10-10 The CL-GOPHER Common Lisp Library
  TEXT 2019-10-15 Recommended Reading: ``The Stranger in the Woods'' by Michael Finkel
   DIR 2019-10-30 A Documenting of my Falling CHIP-8 Game
  TEXT 2019-11-11 An Implementation of Word Count in Ada
  TEXT 2019-11-12 An Implementation of Word Count in Common Lisp
  TEXT 2019-11-15 Recommended Reading: ``CODE'' by Charles Petzold
  TEXT 2019-11-16 A Rebuttal of an Article Involving Understanding an Automatic Computer
  TEXT 2019-11-21 A Rebuttal of an Article Involving Executable Memory
  TEXT 2019-11-22 A Rebuttal of an Article Involving a Character Set
  TEXT 2019-11-30 Thoughts Concerning Copyright Ghettos
   DIR 2019-12-06 An Implementation of SHA1 in APL
   DIR 2019-12-12 An Implementation of SHA1 in Ada or the SHA1 Ada Library
  TEXT 2019-12-15 A Review of ``Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid'' by Douglas Hofstadter
   DIR 2019-12-25 An Implementation of SHA1 in Common Lisp or the SHA1 Common Lisp Library
  TEXT 2019-12-29 A Comparison Between my Three SHA1 Implementations
  TEXT 2019-12-30 Thoughts Concerning the Trolley Problem
   DIR 2019-12-31 A Documenting of the Craps CHIP-8 Game
  TEXT 2020-01-01 Thoughts Concerning the Preceding Decade
  TEXT 2020-01-02 Thoughts Concerning Learning a Programming Language
  TEXT 2020-01-15 A Review of ``Surreal Numbers'' by Donald Knuth
  TEXT 2020-02-02 A Diatribe Concerning My Thoughts on Network Programming Interfaces
  TEXT 2020-02-14 Common Lisp Style Document
  TEXT 2020-02-15 A Review of ``Coders at Work'' by Peter Seibel
  TEXT 2020-02-16 Thoughts Concerning the Value of Apathy and Sloth
   DIR 2020-02-20 An Implementation of SHA224 and SHA256 in APL
  TEXT 2020-03-03 Thoughts Concerning the Value of Truth and Honesty
  TEXT 2020-03-06 A Rebuttal of Some Articles Written by a Fanatic
  TEXT 2020-03-15 A Review of ``ANSI Common Lisp'' by Paul Graham
   DIR 2020-03-18 An Implementation of SHA224 and SHA256 in Common Lisp
  TEXT 2020-04-04 Regarding Reviling Resentment
   DIR 2020-04-12 Efficient and Concise Multiplication in CHIP-8
  TEXT 2020-04-15 A Review of ``Programming in Ada 2012'' by John Barnes
   DIR 2020-04-16 The SHA Common Lisp Library
   DIR 2020-05-05 An Implementation of SHA in APL
  TEXT 2020-05-15 A Review of ``Hackers & Painters'' by Paul Graham
  TEXT 2020-05-25 Disregard, Decimate Decimal
  TEXT 2020-06-06 Common Lisp Control Structures
  TEXT 2020-06-12 Superior Integer Grading Notations
  TEXT 2020-06-15 A Review of ``HACKING: THE ART OF EXPLOITATION, 2ND EDITION'' by Jon Erickson
  TEXT 2020-06-18 Elision Targeting toki pona
  TEXT 2020-06-24 My Recent, Intense Fantasies of Typesetting
   DIR 2020-06-30 A Documenting of my Enchantment CHIP-8 Game
   DIR 2020-07-07 The Meta-Machine Code Targeted at CHIP-8: The Reimplementation
  TEXT 2020-07-15 A Review of ``Building High Integrity Applications with SPARK'' by McCormick and Chapin
   DIR 2020-07-28 An Implementation of SHA256 in Ada
  TEXT 2020-08-08 A Comparison Between my SHA224 and SHA256 Implementations
  TEXT 2020-08-15 A Review of ``Toki Pona: The Language of Good'' by Sonja Lang
  TEXT 2020-08-24 A Rebuttal of Some Nihilistic Sophistry
   DIR 2020-09-09 A Documenting of my Ball Breaker CHIP-8 Game
   DIR 2020-09-15 A Review of ``Can Programming Be Liberated from the von Neumann Style?'' by John Backus
  TEXT 2020-09-24 Disillusionment with History
   DIR 2020-10-03 A Documenting of mine Asphyxiation CHIP-8 Game
   DIR 2020-10-10 A Documenting of mine Enhanced Enchantment CHIP-8 Game
   DIR 2020-10-15 A Review of ``Out of the Tar Pit'' by Ben Moseley and Peter Marks
   DIR 2020-10-27 A Documenting of mine Extra Enhanced Enchantment CHIP-8 Game
   DIR 2020-11-02 A Documenting of mine Advanced Asphyxiation CHIP-8 Game
  TEXT 2020-11-03 Reflections on the Seventh Octo Jam
  TEXT 2020-11-05 Mine Experience Interviewing with a Defense Contractor
  TEXT 2020-11-07 Intelligent Endpoints
  TEXT 2020-11-11 Alternate Alternative Alternations Alternatively
  TEXT 2020-11-13 Objects for Ire: Cards
   DIR 2020-11-15 A Review of ``The Great Quux: Random Poetry and Other Losses'' by Various
  TEXT 2020-11-17 Complicated, Confused, Delirious Dictation
  TEXT 2020-11-19 Debugging SHA
  TEXT 2020-11-23 Anything Be Canon, Defending Everyone's Fancies
  TEXT 2020-11-29 Proposal for a Recollection System
  TEXT 2020-12-12 Testing is Ideally Unnecessary
  TEXT 2020-12-15 A Review of ``Let Over Lambda'' by Doug Hoyte
   DIR 2020-12-21 The D Common Lisp Library
   DIR 2020-12-26 Little Man Computer Meta-Machine Code Targeting
  TEXT 2020-12-27 Revere Repeated Rewriting, Refining, Redesigning
  TEXT 2020-12-28 von Neumann Machines Lack Structure
  TEXT 2020-12-29 Reading as Compilation
  TEXT 2020-12-30 Penultimate Philosophical Ponderings
   DIR 2020-12-31 A Documenting of a Tetris CHIP-8 Game
  TEXT 2021-01-01 Thoughts Concerning the Preceding Year
   DIR 2021-01-15 A Review of John McCarthy's Original Lisp Paper
  TEXT 2021-02-02 Abandoned Fields are Fertile Ground for Novel Research
  TEXT 2021-02-15 A Review of ``Practical Common Lisp'' by Peter Seibel
  TEXT 2021-02-28 One-Dimensional Cellular Automaton Memory
  TEXT 2021-03-03 Split unto Mechanical Realizations
   DIR 2021-03-15 A Review of ``Phantom Stacks: If you look too hard, they aren't there'' by Richard Stallman
  TEXT 2021-03-24 Minor Machine Code Mistakes
   DIR 2021-04-04 An Analysis of my BAT Chording Keyboard Hardware
  TEXT 2021-04-15 A Review of ``The Mythical Man-Month'' by Fred Brooks
   DIR 2021-04-24 Elision toki pona CLOS Mapping Experiment
  TEXT 2021-05-05 Domain Acknowledgment
   DIR 2021-05-15 A Review of the ``LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual''
  TEXT 2021-05-31 Implementations of Grade
  TEXT 2021-06-06 I Want for Extremes in all Things
  TEXT 2021-06-15 A Review of ``As We May Think'' by Vannevar Bush
   DIR 2021-07-07 Implementations of Summarize
  TEXT 2021-07-15 A Review of ``Brave New World'' by Aldous Huxley
  TEXT 2021-08-08 The Earliest English Elision Dictionary
  TEXT 2021-08-15 A Review of ``The Last Unicorn'' by Peter Beagle
  TEXT 2021-09-09 Integrity with One-Time Pads
  TEXT 2021-09-15 A Review of the ``GunPey'' Video Game
   DIR 2021-09-21 APL toki pona Elision
  TEXT 2021-09-30 Determinism can be Inefficient
  TEXT 2021-10-10 Experiences with Alleviating Pain
  TEXT 2021-10-15 A Review of the ``Open World'' Video Game Genre
   DIR 2021-11-11 A Documenting of my Nonogram CHIP-8 Game
  TEXT 2021-11-15 A Review of ``Computing Machinery and Intelligence'' by Alan Turing
  TEXT 2021-12-12 Omnipresent Mismatch
  TEXT 2021-12-15 A Review of ``Pure Invention: How Japan Made the Modern World'' by Matt Alt
  TEXT 2021-12-30 More Manipulating Mania
  TEXT 2022-01-01 Reflections on the Last Year
  TEXT 2022-01-15 A Review of ``Softword: Provenance for the Word 'Software''' and Other Work by Paul Niquette
   DIR 2022-01-31 Tabular Programming: Roman Numerals
  TEXT 2022-02-02 Intelligent Idiots
   DIR 2022-02-13 Art of Latin Noun Declensions
  TEXT 2022-02-15 A Review of the ISO APL Standard
  TEXT 2022-03-07 Imposter's Syndrome
  TEXT 2022-03-15 A Review of ``The Codeless Code''
   DIR 2022-04-05 An Ada UDP POSIX Sockets Binding
  TEXT 2022-04-15 A Review of the ``Empire of Dust: China in Africa'' Documentary
   DIR 2022-05-03 A Trivial Trie in Common Lisp
   DIR 2022-05-05 A Trivial Trie in Ada
  TEXT 2022-05-15 A Review of ``The Cuneiform Tablets of 2015'' by Long Tien Nguyen and Alan Kay
  TEXT 2022-06-06 Linking Sentinels
   DIR 2022-06-13 lon nimi
  TEXT 2022-06-15 A Review of ``Out of Their Minds'' by Dennis Shasha and Cathy Lazere
  TEXT 2022-06-17 Reflections on lon nimi
  TEXT 2022-07-07 Exceptions Don't Disprove the Rule
  TEXT 2022-07-15 A Review of ``Soonish'' by Zach and Kelly Weinersmith
  TEXT 2022-08-15 A Review of the ``Phoebe and Her Unicorn'' Book Series by Dana Simpson
   DIR 2022-08-22 The Usable Datagram Package Ada Library
  TEXT 2022-09-15 A Review of ``Houyhnhnm Computing'' by Fare
  TEXT 2022-10-15 A Review of more Documents from the Viewpoints Research Institute
   DIR 2022-10-31 A Documenting of my Roman Numerals CHIP-8 Program
   DIR 2022-11-15 A Review of the Time-Life ``Understanding Computers'' Book Series
  TEXT 2022-12-15 A Review of the ``Moleman 2 - The Art of the Algorithms'' Documentary
  TEXT 2022-12-30 On Repeatedly Misunderstanding
  TEXT 2023-01-01 On Being Through with 2022
   DIR 2023-01-05 A Documenting of mine Even More Enhanced Enchantment CHIP-8 Game
  TEXT 2023-01-13 Experiences with Conquering Pain
  TEXT 2023-01-15 A Review of ``1984'' by George Orwell
  TEXT 2023-02-02 On the Costs of No Customization
  TEXT 2023-02-05 On the Costs of Imperfection
   DIR 2023-02-13 An Article About Articles
  TEXT 2023-02-15 A Review of the Album ``EP'' by Mystery Skulls
  TEXT 2023-03-03 Stronger Interfaces are Monochrome
  TEXT 2023-03-07 The HMAC Ada Library Experiment
  TEXT 2023-03-15 A Review of the Album ``History Repeating: Blue'' by The Megas
  TEXT 2023-04-04 Thoughts on Evil
  TEXT 2023-04-05 Code Requires Rigid Context
  TEXT 2023-04-13 Metadata is Useful Where Trust Isn't
  TEXT 2023-04-15 A Review of the Album ``Nightcall EP'' by Kavinsky
   DIR 2023-04-30 The Serpent Ada Library
  TEXT 2023-05-05 Magnitude Sorting
  TEXT 2023-05-07 Reillusionment with History
  TEXT 2023-05-15 A Review of the ``Engacho!'' Video Game
  TEXT 2023-06-05 On the Sorry State of E-mail
  TEXT 2023-06-06 Changing Representations is Crucial to Programming
  TEXT 2023-06-13 An Analysis of my Pinebook Pro Hardware
  TEXT 2023-06-15 A Review of the ``Klax'' Video Game
   DIR 2023-07-07 The HMAC Ada Library
  TEXT 2023-07-15 A Review of a Design Document for the uPD7281 Processor
  TEXT 2023-08-05 On a Modern Mental Illness
  TEXT 2023-08-08 An Analysis of mine Apple iPad Hardware
  TEXT 2023-08-13 Jokes that Aren't Funny
  TEXT 2023-08-15 A Review of ``Oppenheimer'' by Christopher Nolan
  TEXT 2023-09-05 Where Computers Belong Not
  TEXT 2023-09-09 I Like Infinite Loops
  TEXT 2023-09-13 Time and Logging
  TEXT 2023-09-15 A Review of the Album ``The Protomen (Act I)'' by The Protomen
   DIR 2023-09-30 An Ada Errno Binding
   DIR 2023-10-07 The BENCODING Common Lisp Library
  TEXT 2023-10-10 Thoughts on Intercommunication: Integers
  TEXT 2023-10-15 A Review of ``Animal Farm'' by George Orwell
  TEXT 2023-11-05 Thoughts on Intercommunication: Symbols
   DIR 2023-11-11 Tabular Programming: Counting Coffee
   DIR 2023-11-13 The SHA Ada Library
  TEXT 2023-11-15 A Review of the Album ``UUUU'' by Masketta Man
  TEXT 2023-11-17 A Comparison Between my Comprehensive SHA Implementations
  TEXT 2023-12-05 Only Trivial Extensions Work
   DIR 2023-12-12 An Ada TCP POSIX Sockets Binding
   DIR 2023-12-13 The POSIX_Poll_Poorly Ada Library
  TEXT 2023-12-15 A Review of the Album ``Always Be Running II: A Netrunner Album'' by Tripp Mirror
  TEXT 2023-12-30 Motive Matters Not
  TEXT 2024-01-01 2023
  TEXT 2024-01-15 A Review of ``The Day the Phones Stopped'' by Leonard Lee
   DIR 2024-01-29 An Implementation of the One Billion Row Challenge in Common Lisp
   DIR 2024-01-30 An Implementation of the One Billion Row Challenge in Ada
  TEXT 2024-01-31 Total Programming
  TEXT 2024-02-01 Analog Media are Redundant
  TEXT 2024-02-02 Finished Software is
  TEXT 2024-02-15 A Review of the Album ``Hunter: Brotherhood Original Soundtrack'' by MASKED
  TEXT 2024-02-28 Thoughts on Time
   DIR 2024-02-29 Tabular Programming: Delta Days
  TEXT 2024-03-03 Numbers' Necessity
  TEXT 2024-03-15 A Review of the Album ``Chimera'' by d.notive
  TEXT 2024-03-29 Proof-of-Work can be Trivial
  TEXT 2024-03-30 Questionable Identities
  TEXT 2024-03-31 Horror and Hopelessness
  TEXT 2024-04-04 On Believing Utter Lunacy
   DIR 2024-04-14 A Partial Realization of a UDP Programming Challenge
  TEXT 2024-04-15 A Review of the Album ``Lunaria'' by Danimal Cannon
  TEXT 2024-04-29 An Ada Programming Mistake Corrected
   DIR 2024-04-30 A Less Trivial Trie in Ada
   DIR 2024-05-05 A Collection of Ada Unchecked_Conversion Testing Programs
  TEXT 2024-05-15 A Review of ``DOOM GUY: LIFE IN FIRST PERSON'' by John Romero
  TEXT 2024-05-29 On the Death of E-Mail
  TEXT 2024-05-30 Thoughts on Data Escaping
   DIR 2024-05-31 For Want of a Primitive
  TEXT 2024-06-06 Recovery's Stupid Tale
  TEXT 2024-06-15 A Review of ``Designing an Internet'' by David Clark
   DIR 2024-06-28 A Body of Five-Letter Words
  TEXT 2024-06-29 Remarks on Amdahl's Law
  TEXT 2024-06-30 A Rebuttal of Some Shill's Blind Worship
  TEXT 2024-07-07 Ongoing Thoughts on the Meta-Machine Code (MMC) Tool
  TEXT 2024-07-15 A Review of ``Programming Games for Atari 2600'' by Oscar Toledo Gutierrez
  TEXT 2024-07-29 Thoughts on Current Economics
  TEXT 2024-07-30 Thoughts on Attacking Slow TCP Connections
  TEXT 2024-07-31 Thoughts on Ada so Far
   DIR 2024-08-08 A Word Game Solver in Common Lisp
  TEXT 2024-08-15 A Review of the Album ``LEATHER TEETH'' by Carpenter Brut
   DIR 2024-08-27 A Word Game Solver in APL
  TEXT 2024-08-30 A Computer Assistant
  TEXT 2024-08-31 Thoughts on Object Identity
  TEXT 2024-09-09 I Prefer Hextets to Octets
  TEXT 2024-09-15 A Review of the GuixSD GNU/Linux System Software Distribution
  TEXT 2024-09-24 A Comparison Between my two Word Game Solvers
  TEXT 2024-10-10 I Prefer the Network Database Model
  TEXT 2024-10-15 A Review of the ``Agario'' Video Game