       Etsh (V6Sh) Project
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  HTML Etsh (V6Sh) Project Website
       Description - V6 Thompson Shell Ports
       Welcome to Etsh (V6Sh) !
       Etsh provides 2 ports of the original /bin/sh from
       V6 UNIX, May 1975.  "/bin/sh from V6 UNIX" ==
       "V6 Thompson sh(1)" == "V6 UNIX sh(1)", or a variation
       of "V6 sh(1)" || "V6 Sh" || "V6Sh" =^)
       Etsh(1) is an enhanced, backward-compatible port of the
       V6 UNIX <-> V6 Thompson shell.  Tsh(1) is an unenhanced
       port of it, and Glob(1) is a port of its global command.
       Each port also includes its if(1), goto(1), and fd2(1)
       shell utilities.  They are built into etsh and are external
       for tsh.  In both cases, these utilities are required
       for each shell to be a completely functional port.
  TEXT License
   DIR Manuals
   DIR Sources
       The Thompson shell's command language is a predecessor and subset
       of that found in the Bourne shell and C shell. The Thompson shell's
       external utilities complement the basic functionality of its
       command language. Since the Thompson shell initially set the stage
       for basic UNIX-shell functionality, all modern UNIX shells still
       have a great deal in common with it.
       The Thompson shell supports command pipelines (constructed with
       | or ^), both sequential commands (;) and asynchronous commands (&)
       I/O redirection (<, >, >>), globbing (*, ?, [...]), and parameter
       substitution ($1, $2, $3) among other things.
   DIR Users - user count == 1
       UNIX(R) is a registered trademark of The Open Group[1].
       Copyright (c) 2003-2024 Jeffrey Allen Neitzel.
       All rights reserved.
       Contact: gopher@etsh.nl
       Powered by Gophernicus[2] running on OpenBSD[3],
       via an OpenBSD vmm(4)[4]/vmd(8)[5] VM, at
       OpenBSD Amsterdam[6].
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