-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Nicotine Sulfate Written By: Saint Anarchy This is one of the most lethal poisons available to the anarchist at large. It is an insect poison found under several names. The most common is "Black Leaf 40" and can be purchased or stolen from any well stocked garden or discount store. This stuff is 40% Nicotine Sulfate, just a few drops in any drink is undetectable and will kill very quickly,usually within a few minutes. The best way we've found to obtain the Nicotine Sulfate is by evaporation. This should be done until the mixture is like a thin syrup and forms into drops when put in a medicine dropper. One of the glories of Nicotine Sulfate is that it is absorbed by the skin and is fatal within minutes. Death by Nicotine sulfate can only be detected by someone taking a blood test. This is seldomn given unless the autopsy has been ordered when foul play is suspected. A fine way to use Nicotine Sulfate is to carry it in a soft drink cup and act like you accidently spilled it on your intended victim. If he or she doesn't wash it off within a matter of seconds, the person will be dead in a matter of minutes. There is very little chance of the victim being able to wash it off if he or she doesn't realize what it is. If they try to rub it off, it will be absorbed into the skin all that much sooner. Downloaded From P-80 Systems 304-744-2253 .