Hey Now Bro Here's all I know about Hydroponics "Da CHEEP WAY!" I wrote a little illustration to go along with this hope it helps... I will Go 1 Item at a time and try to explain about each...then I will do a summary...Ready for some laughs? ok away we go The first thing you need of course is a room or closet attic,ect. Measure this rooms walls. Ok now measure from floor to ceiling. Now if you room is a small one all you will need is a 400 metal halide light system, if it's a big one you will need at least one 1,000 watt setup. *The lights are the most expensive of all the equipment but will easily save you the money in dope bills* Write on a piece of paper which ever bulb you think you need. next you need a floresant light fixture for your clones any floresant will work the high wattage the better for the plantlets. The next thing is you will need enough Mylar or aluminum foil to cover the walls from floor to celing.* or paint the walls flat white in you grow room* Enough Black plastic trash bags to completly cover the floor and go 12" up the walls twice! this is to save your floors and to block light between the growing chamber and the cloning chamber. Plastic trays to hold the plants next shaped like \____/ or |____| get these as big as you can find them your plants will be growing in them. You will need at least two of these tray (one for adults and one for clones). A oscalating fan (one that rotates back and forth and back and...) this is to circirlate the air around the room and to cool the room if it gets too hot. Next is a timer something simple will work some thing that will turn on and of the lights A table or board to seperate the room in half hieghth ways. A small pully attached to the ceiling (used to raise and lower lights. and something to tie them cord off to like one of those thingys used on boats\-o-/ An Electric fuel pump which you can buy at any autoparts store, and a 12 volt converter/adapter (to change the voltage going into the pump down to 12 volts) this you can get at radio shack or any place that sales model trains. 10' + of small diameter hose like heater of gas line hose. and a nozzle used for empting the water from the tray(S). Enough twine to build treliouses(me speelin sux) see figure 1 on back of illastration. A good supply of seeds, you probaly already have some of these but if you don't go buy some good pot that has some seeds in it (this is the risky way of doing it because you have no way of knowing if the seeds are as good as it parents, it's father could be ditch weed so it will be ditch weed) another way to do this is to order seeds from Holland. Also I'm sending you some seeds from a friend of mine who grew the plants and knows that both parents were high quality weed. Next you will need some nutrients for your plants, and cloning solution for your babies. A P.O. Box perferably in a false name like Ronald Tatune. Have anything you order go to this mail box. A fake business name works well for this also Something like "Ron's Gardening service" Oh yea you will also need a rockwool cube for each plant and each plantlet. A bag of dope to smoke while doing all this shit! Now that you know basicaly what you need go out and buy them buy everything you can find localy (usualy cheeper). The next step is to get out a copy of High Times, Roll one up, and look at all the ads and of course light the joint you just rolled *note the joint is a nessesary step reading all the ads without it can be harzardous to your health* Get a pen and write down the addresses to the companies that have the stuff you need at the best price. SUMMERY LIST OF EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Metal Halide Lighting System enough Mylar or aluminum foil to completly cover the walls Plastic Trays shaped like \_______/ or |________| as big as one can find them. 1 per set of plants and one for clones. an Electric fuel Pump (unless you can afford a regular growing pump) a 12 volt adapter to run pump Timer for lights Nutrients (order from Hydroponics company of go into Grow store in your area) Cloning solution (see above) Oscalating fan to circlate air 10' of hose (gas line works great) a plung the size of you hose and a chain attached to it. 5 Gallon Bucket Small pulley and one of those things they have on a boat to tie it off looks something like \-o-/ Twine RockWool Cubes ***DONOT BUY LOOSE ROCKWOOL IT IS DANGEROUS*** PUTTING IT ALL TOGATHER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now that you've rounded up and ordered all these things roll up another joint, Smoke it all. Roll another put in in an envolope with my address and a stamp on it. Mail the evenvolope. Now Start with covering the walls and floors if your going to paint the walls flat white put the plastic on the floor first (paint won't hurt it unless your worried about how it looks. Now attach your pulley in the center of the room and the thing to tye it off to on a wall within reach. Now seperate the room in half length wise, with the rest of the black platic. *NOTE**If you are just using a table for your main plants you could faster the plastic around the table instead of sealing off the entire bottom half of the room. Mont the floresant light whatever you seperated the room with. putt cloneing tray under light but don't turn the light on. If you have room to raise the clones off the floor do so and then you can grow mushrooms in that space. Next set up your grow tray drill a hole in the bottom and put in a pepcock used to empty tray. Drill another hole on the side the size of your fill hose run hose from bucket to table where the electic pump lives and from pump to hole in tray. Mount fan somewhere near the top of grow room. Plug into you timer. Tie a piece of twine to the top of the light and run it through the pulley. Plug the light into the timer. Fill the grow tray with rockwool cubes and run the pump till it filles up the tray about 3/4" from the top, Dain it. Put seeds in each rockwool cube. Refill the tray set it set for 30 minutes and then drain. Do this twice a day. Untll your plants get over 18" leave the light on 24 hours a day. Then cut the light back to 12 hours this will force the plants to reviel thier sex either KILL or remove from the grow room ALL MALES (If you want to make seeds later just move the plant where it gets a moderate amount of light and it should survive. I will come back to this part later. When your plants are over 18" cut some branches about |---------------------| that long and move those branches down to your cloning room. CLONING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now that you have your cuttings put each one in it's own Rockwool cube, Fillyour cloning tray with cloning fluid and then cover the plants with saran wrap. Lastly turn on thier lights and leave them alone for a couple of days. About every two days look in on your clones and see how there doing they will take about two weeks to develope roots, then you can move them to the main growing area and make some new clones... Go by the directions on the package on how often to change the solution. BREEDING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now remeber all those males you removed from the growing room if any of these survived, cut off a feww leaves from all that did survive and dry um and smoke them. Simply keep the best males for fetilization and do whatever with the rest. If you want seeds move the best mails into the grow chamber and mother nature will take care of the rest. Well dude hope this helped if not I hope it was at least enjoyable to read. It was kinda fun writing. PEACE! .