                           Welcome to tilde.pink!
                           /o.-==-. .-. .-==-.o\
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                            \\____//   \\____//
                             `-==-'     `-==-'
       A tilde server of a different shade. tilde.pink is an open tilde 
       server, providing shell, email, and gopher/gemini accounts. We are
       a web free tilde using geomyidae to serve gopher, and molly-brown
       to serve gemini. tilde.pink runs on NetBSD. NetBSD is a unix-like
       operating system, similar to Linux, but different in many ways. If
       you're up to the challenge and want to learn new things, sign up
   DIR Sign Up
   DIR Documentation
       21 Jul 24 - The script sucked. We're back to alphabetical order
       until further notice. Also, the server was reloacted to a
       Hetzner dedi in Finland. Who needs money anyway?
       29 Apr 24 - Wow, the first major change to the tilde.pink home
       page! User capsule and gopher hole links are now listed by most
       recently updated. A script checks the all files in public_gemini
       index.gmi, and public_gopher, not just the index.
       23 Apr 24 - Hey, you know, I always forget to update this thing
       when I make changes. The server is now running on NetBSD 10! It
       took forever for the release to come out.
       01 Jan 24 - Well now, after skipping all of 2023, we're finally
       updating the the news section! After forever, IPV6 is now
       functioning on Pink. Somewhere in all that, the server was
       upgraded to NetBSD 9.3. When do you think 10 will be released?
       15 Nov 22 - After fiddling around with different options, we've
       finally settled on vger for geminid with thanks to bencollver for.
       figuring out how to compile vger on NetBSD. There were instability
       issues cropping up with molly brown. This does impact user cgi
       capabilities. At this time, cgi is pretty much a no-go. Gopher
       cgi is still functional.
   DIR Project Gemini
   DIR Old News
   DIR ~ahmed
   DIR ~allure
   DIR ~aniruddh
   DIR ~aru
   DIR ~bart
   DIR ~bencollver
   DIR ~betabube
   DIR ~charo
   DIR ~chizra
   DIR ~den
   DIR ~diehauch
   DIR ~doriancodes
   DIR ~dothide
   DIR ~drot
   DIR ~edim
   DIR ~exologist
   DIR ~fc03cf
   DIR ~ff3366
   DIR ~ffuentes
   DIR ~fl3a
   DIR ~foxygel
   DIR ~funtoomen
   DIR ~fzzyyti
   DIR ~g1n
   DIR ~gamliel
   DIR ~gliggy
   DIR ~gristlehex
   DIR ~hedy
   DIR ~id2
   DIR ~inquibrator
   DIR ~irek
   DIR ~jamesisadog
   DIR ~jan6
   DIR ~jay
   DIR ~jsv
   DIR ~k
   DIR ~kaa
   DIR ~kati256
   DIR ~katsuragi
   DIR ~kiiwii
   DIR ~krst
   DIR ~ksv
   DIR ~kubikpixel
   DIR ~l4nn-1312
   DIR ~lel
   DIR ~luke
   DIR ~mao
   DIR ~matt6
   DIR ~mosi
   DIR ~nagi
   DIR ~nifty
   DIR ~one2seven
   DIR ~performa
   DIR ~pfr
   DIR ~piwiggly
   DIR ~priyal
   DIR ~racoon
   DIR ~rosie52
   DIR ~salmon
   DIR ~seafork
   DIR ~sebkply
   DIR ~smlckz
   DIR ~snowcrash
   DIR ~stern
   DIR ~tarial
   DIR ~teasel
   DIR ~tuesday
   DIR ~v11e
   DIR ~warbler
   DIR ~yakumo_izuru
       ECDSA fingerprint: SHA256:nQ5tp9xU7Pm+qdnhPnW+6QOb1TYCU41JWbvpW6Z7Gyo
       This tilde server kills fascists!
       jan6 ate my turtle
       Today is Setting Orange, the 71st day of Bureaucracy in the YOLD 3190