MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Smettanick Categories: Pastry, Tart Yield: 8 -12 pastries MMMMM----------------------------CAKE--------------------------------- 1 1/2 c Flour; sifted 1/2 c Butter 1 Egg yolk; well beaten 1/2 ts Salt MMMMM--------------------------FROSTING------------------------------- 1 1/2 c Almonds; blanched and ground 1 Egg yolk; unbeaten 2 tb Jam 2 tb Powdered sugar Thick sour cream Blend the flour, butter, and salt together until the mixture is mealy. Add the egg yolk and knead into a smooth dough, adding a few drops of ice water if needed. Beat with a steak beater until the dough blisters. Roll very thin and cut into 3" squares. Work the powdered sugar into the almonds, adding a few drops of cream and egg yolk as needed. Add the jam gradually. When the mixture is finished, it should be a paste. Place a spoonful of the filling in the center of a square pastry, brush the edges with cold water, place another square on top, and seal the edges by fluting them. Brush the tarts with egg white, sprinkle with sugar, and bake at 450°F until brown. MMMMM