MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Braised Hijiki Seaweed Categories: Japanese Yield: 1 Batch 13/16 oz Dried hikiji (25 g) 1 Deep-fried tofu pouch 1 tb Vegetable oil 3 tb Soy sauce 3 tb Sugar 2 tb Mirin 1 c Water (200 ml) Rinse hijiki and soak in water about 10 minutes. Rinse tofu pouch in boiling water to remove excess oil and slice into thin strips. Heat oil in a skillet and add well-drained hijiki, sautéing for 3 minutes over medium heat. Add the sliced deep-fried tofu pouch and the remaining ingredients and simmer for ten minutes until most of the liquid disappears. MMMMM