MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Inna's Borscht Categories: Soup Yield: 6 servings 1 Beef soupbone 2 Beets 4 Potatoes; cubed 2 Carrots; sliced 1 Green pepper; finely chopped 4 c Cabbage; chopped, up to 5 2 Onions; diced 1 Tomato 2 Bay leaves; up to 4 1 Clove garlic; pressed or -finely chopped Salt and pepper to taste Sour cream Boil beef soupbone several hours to make stock. [I've been told that it tastes better if you simmer it for 24-48 hours.] Remove the bone when done, saving any bits of meat to return to the soup. Add potatoes, then cabbage. Salt to taste. Cook a little while. Meanwhile, chop the raw beets, carrots, and onions. Fry them lightly in a small amount of oil. Grate a beefy tomato on large grater openings, and throw away the peel. When the beets, carrots, and onions are tender, add the tomato "mush". Add some of the above hot soup mixture and stir, then pour the whole mixture into the hot soup pot. Add several dry bay leaves. Add green pepper. Cook. At the end of the cooking, add garlic. MMMMM