MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Pickle Soup (Rassolnic) Categories: Soup Yield: 6 servings 6 1/2 c Broth 2/3 c Rice or barley 3 Potatoes; cut into small -cubes 2/3 c Dill pickle; cut into small -cubes 1 Onion; minced 3 tb Parsley; chopped, up to 4 2 Carrots; cut into coins 3 tb Butter; up to 4 1 Bay leaf Sour cream Boil the broth and put the rice or barley into it. Turn off the heat, let the rice or barley set for an hour. Saute the onion in butter and add the parsley. Return the broth to a boil and add the carrots and potatoes. Put the onion, parsley, pickle cubes, and a bay leaf into the soup. And the end you may add pickle juice and sour cream into the soup. MMMMM