MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Colcannon Categories: Side dish, Irish Yield: 6 servings 1 md Head cabbage, quartered and -core removed 2 lb Potatoes, scubbed and sliced -with skins left on 2 md Leeks, thoroughly washed and -sliced 1 c Milk 1/2 t Mace Salt Pepper 2 Garlic cloves 8 T Unsalted butter Bring a pot of salted water to a boil and boil the cabbage until tender, about 12-15 minutes. Drain off the water and chop the cabbage. Set aside. Bring another pot of water to a boil and boil the potatoes until tender. Drain off the water and set aside. Put the leeks in a saucepan, cover with the milk, bring close to boiling and then turn down to a simmer until tender. Set aside. Add the mace, salt and pepper, and garlic to the pot with the potatoes and mash well with a hand masher. Now add the leeks and their milk and mix in with the potatoes, taking care not to break down the leeks too much. Add a little more milk if necessary to make it smooth. Now mash in the cabbage and lastly the butter. The texture that you want to achieve is smooth-buttery-potato with interesting pieces of leek and cabbage well distributed in it. Transfer the whole mixture to an ovenproof dish, make a pattern on the surface and place under the broiler to brown. MMMMM