---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: Potato Pancakes and Apple Sauce Categories: Brunch, German, Breads, Vegetables Yield: 1 Servings --------------------------HBWK07A CHUCK OZBURN-------------------------- 2 1/4 lb Potatoes 2 Eggs Salt to taste 1 md Onion - grated Lard or shortening 1 lb Apple sauce Creme Fraiche or sour cream Pare raw potatoes, grate and squeeze out liquid through cheesecloth; add eggs, salt, grated onion and mix thoroughly melt lard in skillet and fry small, thin pancakes crisply on -both sides; serve with chilled apple sauce, creme fraiche, and watercress From 'Culinary Excursions through Germany'.. Chuck in Pok Sunday 7/3/94 C.OZBURN on GEnie -----