---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: Isobe Zukuri (Sashimi Wrapped in Laver) Categories: Japanese, Seafood Yield: 6 servings 6 x Sheets Nori 1 lb Fresh fish fillet -----------------------DIPPING SAUCE----------------------- 6 tb Chirizu -OR- 6 tb Tosa Joyu IN ADVANCE Cut fish into slices 1/2" thick and 6-7" long (as lonf as a sheet of nori). TO ASSEMBLE AND SERVE: Pass the nori, one sheet at a time, over a flame to intensify it's flavor and color. Lay the nori flat on a hard surface (the japanese use a bamboo mat to facilitate rolling) with the wide side of the mat facing towards you. Place a long slice of fish along the length of the nori and roll the nori into a long, thick, tight cylinder. Cut crosswise into 1 1/2" slices with a sharp knife. Roll and cut the remaining fish and nori in the same way. -----