---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: WEST INDIAN RICE AND PEAS WITH TEMPEH Categories: Vegetables, Main dish Yield: 6 servings 2 c Uncooked brown rice 1/2 c Unsweetened grated coconut 2 1/2 tb Vegetable oil 4 c Water 1 c Dried black eyed peas -(soaked for 5 hours - at least) 3 Bay leaves 1 md Onion; chopped 3 Garlic cloves; minced 1/4 c Vegetable oil 1 sm Chile; sliced 1/2 Red or green bell pepper 8 oz Tempeh; cubed 1 pn Fennel (generous pinch) -salt & pepper to taste 2 Scallions; chopped Saute rice & coconut in the 2 1/2 tablespoons oil for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly. Add the water & cinnamon stick. Cover the pot & bring it to a rapid boil. Do not peek at the rice, but when the steam starts escaping, turn the heat down. Simmer for 40 minutes. Meanwhile, cook the black eyed peas with the bay leaf in salted, boiling water till tender (only takes abot 20-25 minutes). Drain them & remove the bay leaves. Keep warm till the rice & tempeh are ready. Saute the garlic & onion with the 1/4 cup of oil till the onions soften. Stir in chile & bell pepper. Saute for 2 minutes. Add fennel, tempeh, salt & pepper. Lower heat, but stir frequently til tempeh is crisp & golden. Combine everything, mixing together well. -----