MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06 Title: Charmaine Solomon's Samosas Categories: Pastry, Filling, Indian, Lamb, Chilies Yield: 10 servings PASTRY: 185 g Roti or plain flour 3 tb Fine semolina 1/2 ts Salt 60 g Ghee or butter 90 ml Ice water Oil for deep frying POTATO FILLING: 750 g Potatoes 1 tb Ghee; or oil 2 ts Panch phora 1/2 ts Ground turmeric 1/2 ts Chilli powder 1 ts Salt 2 Green chillies; sliced 3 tb Mint or coriander; -chopped Lime or lemon juice MEAT FILLING: 2 tb Ghee or oil 2 lg Onions; finely chopped 1 ts Garlic; crushed 1 ts Ginger; finely chopped 2 ts Ground coriander 2 ts Ground cumin 1 ts Chilli powder 1 ts Ground turmeric 1 ts Salt Lemon juice 500 g Minced lamb 1 ts Garam masala 1 md Potatoes; peeled and diced 2 ts Ginger; chopped 3 tb Mint or coriander; -chopped 2 Chillies; chopped Pastry: Sift flour, semolina and salt into a bowl and rub in the softened ghee or butter. Add ice water to form a firm dough and knead for 8-10 minutes until it is smooth and elastic. Cover and set aside for 30 minutes or longer while making filling. For large samosas, roll pastry thinly and cut into 15 cm rounds, then cut each circle in half. Place a generous tb of filling on the half circle of pastry, damp edges with cold water and seal firmly to form a triangle; or moisten one straight edge, pick up the half circle and form a cone shape, overlapping straight edges 6mm and pressing firmly to seal the seam. Fill cone two-third with filling, fold top edge over and crimp, roll or simply press together to make a secure join. Place each one as it is made on a tray, cover with clean cloth and fry just before serving. Deep fry in hot oil a few at a time. Drain on absorbent paper towels and serve warm, with Mint or Tamarind Chutney. Potato filling: Boil potatoes until almost tender. Peel and cut into fairly small dice. Heat ghee; or oil and fry the panch phora until mustard seeds pop, covering pan to prevent them jumping out. Add turmeric and chilli powder and fry for a few seconds. Add salt, sliced chillies and the potatoes. Toss to mix, remove from heat and sprinkle with herbs and lime juice to taste. Meat filling: Heat ghee; or oil and fry half of the chopped onion until soft and transparent. Add garlic and ginger and fry, stirring, until golden. Add ground spices and stir for a few seconds, add salt, lemon juice, minced lamb and stir fry until lamb is no longer pink. Add diced potato and about 4 tb hot water, cover and simmer until lamb and potato are tender. Sprinkle with garam masala and remove from heat. When lukewarm, stir in reserved onion and extra ginger, chopped herbs and chillies. Serve warm or at room temperature. Makes about 20 large or 36 small samosas. From: Charmaine Solomon's Encyclopedia MMMMM