---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: BENGALI-STYLE OVEN-FRIED POTATOES Categories: Appetizers, Indian, Oriental, Snacks, Vegetables Yield: 8 servings 2 lb Russet potatoes Olive oil spray 1/4 ts Turmeric 1/2 ts Cumin 1/4 ts Cayenne Salt & pepper Preheat oven to 400F. Remove oven racks & spray them with oil. Wash potatoes & slice them lengthwise into sticks 1/2" thick or crosswise into rounds 1/3" thivk. Transfer to a baking pan & spray well with oil. Add seasonings & toss to coat. Place the rounds in a single layer on the oven racks. Place the racks in the centre of the oven. Bake until the potatoes are tender, with a deep, golden-brown crust, about 20 to 25 minutes. Serve piping hot. -----