---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.02 Title: CROSSROADS CURRY POWDER Categories: Chinese, Indian, Indonesian, Condiment Yield: 6 servings 2 ts Tumeric, ground 2 ts Coriander Seeds 1 ts Black Peppercorns 12 Cloves, whole 1 1/2 ts Cumin Seeds 1 ts Cardamom Seeds 1 ts Cinnamon, ground 1 ts Fennel Seeds 1 1/2 ts Fenugreek 1/2 ts Ginger, ground 1/2 ts Cayenne Pepper Flakes 1 ts Chili Powder, ground Grind to a coarse powder in a coffee mill or blender, or follow ancient tradition by using mortar and pestle. From The Gazette, 91/04/10. -----