MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Gujarati Mango Curry (Pukki Keri Nu Shak) Categories: Try it, Soup/stew, Vegan Yield: 2 servings -Gujarat, India MMMMM----------------FLATBREADS & FLAVORS; ALFORD--------------------- 1 tb Tamarind paste 1/2 c Water; hot 1/2 ts Cumin seed; dry-roasted 1 lg Garlic cloves, crushed 1 sm Onions, chopped; coarsely 1/2 ts Salt 1 tb Sugar, brown; or jaggery 1 c Water; warm 1 tb Oil 1/2 ts Black mustard seed 3 md Mangoes; ripe, peeled & cut -into 3/4" cubes 2 Chiles; green or red, finely -chopped 1/2 ts Turmeric In small bowl, dissolve tamarind paste in hot water and stir well. Set aside. (If using tamarind pulp, press seeds to detach flesh, and strain through sieve into another bowl, pressing pulp against the mesh with spoon to extract maximum tamarind; discard pulp.) In large mortar, pound cumin seed to powder. Add garlic, onion, and salt and pound to paste. Alternatively, grind cumin in spice grinder, then process to paste with garlic, onion, and salt in food processor. Dissolve sugar in warm water in small bowl, and combine with tamarind water. Heat oil in heavy skillet. Add mustard seeds and cook over medium heat until they pop (cover with lid when they begin to pop). Add cumin paste and cook, stirring constantly, until it begins to brown slightly. add tamarind mixture, mangoes, chiles, and turmeric. Raise heat and bring to boil, then lower heat to medium and simmer 10-15 minutes, until thickened. Serve hot with plenty of fresh chapatti or puri for mopping up the sauce. Nutritional information per serving: xx calories, x.x gm protein, xx mg cholesterol, xx gm carbohydrate, xx mg sodium, x.x gm fiber, x.x gm fat, x.x mg iron, xx mg calcium, xx% of calories from fat. Tyops courtesy of Sylvia Steiger, SylviaRN (at) CompuServe (dot) com MMMMM