---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Legumes in Garlic and Onions Categories: Ethnic, Vegetarian, Garlic Yield: 6 servings 2 c Pigeon peas; soaked, 20 minutes 1 qt Water 1/2 ts Turmeric Salt 1/4 c Oil 1 tb Black mustard seeds 2 ts Cumin seeds 1 md Onion; finely chopped 6 cl Garlic; chopped 1/2 ts Dried red chilies Wash pigeon peas & boil them with the water, turmeric, and salt for 20 minutes. Heat oil in medium pot, add mustard, cumin seeds and fry until mustard seeds start to pop. Stir in onion, garlic and fry until browned and soft. Mix in ground chili and stir for 30 seconds. Remove and pour over peas. Stir thoroughly, cover and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Serve hot with plain rice. Recipe by Feast of India by Rani -----