---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v7.07 Title: PALAK TOMATAR (SPINACH AND TOMATOES) Categories: Indian, Vegan, Vegetarian, Main dish Servings: 4 1 lb Spinach, fresh or thawed 2 ea Green chilies (optional) 3 ea Tomatoes, chopped 1 c Water 1 ea Onion, large and chopped 5 tb Butter/Oleo 1/4 ts Turmeric 1 pn Salt 1 tb Ginger, fresh and chopped 1 tb Lemon juice Place spinach, tomatoes, onions, turmeric, ginger and chilies in a saucepan with 1 cup water. Cook, covered, 15 mins over medium-low heat. Remove from heat and cool. Blend in an electric blender to a creamy consistency. Heat butter/oleo in a saucepan. Add spinach mixture and salt to taste. Cook for 5 mins over low heat. Add lemon juice and serve. -----