MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.05 Title: BREAD PUDDING for 2 Categories: Dessert, D/g, Cajun, Bread Yield: 2 Servings MMMMM-----------------------BREAD PUDDING---------------------------- MMMMM---------------------------BREAD-------------------------------- 2 1/2 oz Stale French bread, -Torn into bite size pieces - or 2 cups any type bread MMMMM---------------------------LIQUID-------------------------------- 3/4 c Milk (see note) 1/2 c Sugar 1/8 c Butter, melted 1 Eggs 1/2 tb Vanilla MMMMM-------------------------ADDITIONS------------------------------ 1/4 c Raisins 1/4 c Coconut (optional)omitted 1/4 c Chopped pecans 1/4 ts Cinnamon 1/4 ts Nutmeg 1/2 ea 1 lb cans sliced peaches -(drained) USE FRESH OR FROZEN PEACHES MMMMM-----------------------WHISKEY SAUCE---------------------------- 1/4 c Butter (1/2 stick, 1/8 lb) 3/4 c Powdered sugar 1 Egg yolks 1/8 c Bourbon-peach brandy or -peach snapps* best choice (used peach brandy) NOTE: Amount of liquid depends on how dry the bread is. Experiment until mixture is very moist but not soupy. For the Bread Pudding: Oven Method: Combine liquid ingredients until well blended. Combine with remainder of pudding ingredients; mixture should be very moist but not soupy. Pour into buttered pyrex bowl large enough for volume. Place into non-preheated oven. Bake at 350 for approximately 1 hour or until top is golden brown and knife inserted in middle comes out clean . Serve warm with sauce. For the Whiskey Sauce: Cream butter and sugar over medium heat until all butter is absorbed. Remove from heat and blend in(TEMPER) egg yolks. Pour in bourbon gradually to your own taste, stirring constantly. Sauce will thicken as it cools. Serve warm over warm bread pudding. NOTE: For a variety of sauces, just substitute your favorite fruit juice or liqueur to complement your bread pudding. Source: New Orleans School of Cooking and Louisiana General Store. Entered by Dale & Gail Shipp, Columbia Md. Personal note: Went to a cooking class here and they prepared this recipe except that they added drained canned peaches to the bread and used a peach liqueur instead of whiskey for the sauce. It was superb. Pudding for two tested 1/12 - worked well. MMMMM