---------- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.04 Title: Alligator Cacciatora Banquet Categories: Cajun, Italian, Main dish Yield: 100 servings 3 ea Adult Alligators 15 lb Zucchini sliced 3 cn Black pitted olives sliced 1 c Black pepper 4 c Oregano 1 pk Bay leaves (small box) 4 c Vegetable oil 50 lb Canned whole tomatoes 10 lb Sliced onions 1 c Salt 1/2 c Crushed red pepper 4 c Diced fresh parsley 20 lb Assorted green & Red 1 ea Whole bulb of garlic peppers Alligators... Discard head, feet and tail. Wash and cut into individual portions. (so how much do 3 adult alligators weigh anyway?) Borrow, beg or steal huge cooking pot. Use medium heat for oil and garlic. Add alligator portions, turning often. Add tomatoes, bring to boil, simmer, add salt, pepper, red pepper, oregano, bay leaves, and parsley. Cover and simmer for 2 1/2 hours. Last 30 minutes add onions, peppers, zucchini. Last 5 min. add sliced olives. Serve with salad topped with favorite Italian dressing and crisp bread. "New Orleans Cooks The Italian Way" Locovozzi & Mollicone (note: this is a real recipe and there is a whole Italian area of New Orleans which as you can see is spicy like cajun, but truely Italian. I have though of ways to make this with some other meat, because we just don't have alligators in Milwaukee! Maybe buffalo?) Courtesy of Shareware RECIPE CLIPPER 1.2 -----